Glee Cupcakes

From my previous post about Glee, how else could I proclaim my love for the wonderful feel-good series? Well, by making Glee themed cupcakes of course!!







Anonymous said...

You are SO talented. I want to learn so many things from you. I am going to be trying my first stab at fondant this weekend for a party, and despite my baking experience, I doubt I will ever make such delicious, cute, and amazing things! + I LOVE GLEE!

How do I follow your blog?!

sams said...

thank you for your compliments! but i have still have ALOT to learn too!

i am new to blogspot but i add blogs by copying and pasting the URL to the 'add blogs' bit on the dashboard. hope that helped!

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28. mother. eldest. Jessica. aspiring baker. cooking. tattoos. shopping. interior designs. lychee martini. charity shops. markets. topshop. photography. stationary. marakami. sundance film festival. butterflies. dancing like no ones watching. friendships. cold side of the pillow. smells. laughing. making lists. stand up comedians. poloroids. cheese. canvas bags. recycling. light blue d&g. handmade gifts. lip gloss. fraiser. trinklets. surprises. picnics. daydreams about The Cake Shop. dimple. heebie jeebies. romance. 80's pop music. gift wrapping. apple. sunday newspapers. dressing up. david attenborough. dinner parties. eclecticism. Instant gratification. vintage...

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