Christmas Day

In the morning, Jessica woke early to see what gifts Santa came bearing with in the middle of the night. She ripped open her presents in her stocking and was ready to work on the presents under the tree... cos everyone knows those are the good stuff. But mummy put a spanner in the works when she told her that she must wait until after lunch when we can sit down like civilised non Christians and open our Christmas presents together. Jessica had bad thoughts running through her head about what was just said to her but she dared not voice them as she knew only too well the damage that can be inflicted with the feared, Back Hand.




Everyone hoped that if they ignored It, It would go away.


The plan to have everyone open their presents, one at a time failed miserably. Especially because by the time lunch had finished, Jessica was about to burst. The kids let rip and so did the adults.

It was a little stressful at times- especially when the family started rolling in and dipping into my cupboard of a kitchen, but, once everyone was all seated and the food spread out on the table, the chatter started flowing, people passing food around, crackers being pulled, laughter, eating, Top of the Pops on the T.V... That's exactly what I wanted. It's what epitomise Christmas for me. Your loved ones together, enjoying each others company and eating good food... even if I do say so myself.

Good times.


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28. mother. eldest. Jessica. aspiring baker. cooking. tattoos. shopping. interior designs. lychee martini. charity shops. markets. topshop. photography. stationary. marakami. sundance film festival. butterflies. dancing like no ones watching. friendships. cold side of the pillow. smells. laughing. making lists. stand up comedians. poloroids. cheese. canvas bags. recycling. light blue d&g. handmade gifts. lip gloss. fraiser. trinklets. surprises. picnics. daydreams about The Cake Shop. dimple. heebie jeebies. romance. 80's pop music. gift wrapping. apple. sunday newspapers. dressing up. david attenborough. dinner parties. eclecticism. Instant gratification. vintage...

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