



235ml Water
30g White sugar
3g Salt
30ml Vegetable oil
125g Plain flour


Mix the sugar and cinnamon in a tray.

In a small saucepan, combine the water, sugar, salt and oil and bring to the boil. Remove from heat and stir in the flour, until mixture form a ball.

Heat oil in a pan.

Put mixture into a piping bag with a star shape nozzle.

When oil is hot, pipe long strips of dough in the oil, I used my finger to 'cut' the stripes from nozzle. Fry until golden and drain on paper towels before rolling in the sugar and cinnamon mixture.

(Note. I had to use 3 piping bags because they had burst while piping the strips into the oil, maybe material are better than the plastic ones I used. Please be careful when piping the dough in the hot oil, aim to pipe as close to the oil as possible as to prevent oil splashes. I used rubber gloves while handling the piping bag and piping into the oil)


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28. mother. eldest. Jessica. aspiring baker. cooking. tattoos. shopping. interior designs. lychee martini. charity shops. markets. topshop. photography. stationary. marakami. sundance film festival. butterflies. dancing like no ones watching. friendships. cold side of the pillow. smells. laughing. making lists. stand up comedians. poloroids. cheese. canvas bags. recycling. light blue d&g. handmade gifts. lip gloss. fraiser. trinklets. surprises. picnics. daydreams about The Cake Shop. dimple. heebie jeebies. romance. 80's pop music. gift wrapping. apple. sunday newspapers. dressing up. david attenborough. dinner parties. eclecticism. Instant gratification. vintage...

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